Thursday 28 March 2013

My home made French Bastard Sword (Hand and a half sword)

Here is my next finished project it is a French Bastard Sword or better known as a Hand and a half sword.
This sword was made to specs I got from researching my Nel family history in France.

I started with a 6mm steel plat and mark out the shape of the blade.

The hand guard is made out of two 2.5mm plates welded together and grind into shape. In the same way I made the back pommel, but onto the pommel I attached a decorative peace.

It is a double edged sword so I use different grinder blades to grind the blade edge into a regular smooth edge.   

After attaching the hand guard, handle and the pommel I sprayed them a primer, to prep it for the Gold paint.


I rapped the handle with brown leather and made a scabbard out of the same brown leather. The scabbard still needs some attachments and a belt.